If you are unable to attend classes or exams, you can apply for permission not to attend classes or exams to the Faculty by emailing the Dean (dekan.geografi@ugm.ac.id). Some things to note are:
- The format of the letter of permission not to attend classes/exams can be downloaded via the link http://ugm.id/FormatSuratIzinKuliahUjianFGE. The letter of permission not to attend exams should be accompanied by a request for a makeup exam.
- The format for the makeup exam request letter can be downloaded via the link http://ugm.id/FormatSuratUjianSusulanFGE. Supporting documents include:
a. medical certificate from a clinic/health center/hospital; b) death certificate from a hospital or local government; c) letter of assignment to participate in other competitions/activities from the Faculty or University.
The processing of the letter of permission not to attend classes can be seen in the attendance menu on SIMASTER.
For further informations, please check the announcement below: